Vegas Youth At Risk

The recent findings of a survey conducted by Silver State Equality, a statewide LGBTQ+ civil rights advocacy group in Nevada, have been described as “heartbreaking” by Andre Wade, the State Director of Silver State Equality. The survey aimed to understand the experiences of LGBTQ+ students in Nevada schools and was conducted with the help of Jessica Munger, Program Director from Silver State Equality, and Zach Billot, a UNLV student serving on Silver State Equality’s LGBTQ+ Student Advisory Council.

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The results revealed several alarming trends. A significant percentage of students reported facing discrimination by authority figures at school, with 79.4% of respondents citing such experiences. This finding is particularly concerning as schools are meant to be supportive environments for all students, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Another troubling finding was the lack of inclusive curriculum in Nevada schools. Many students reported not having access to a curriculum that included LGBTQ+ history or history makers. This lack of representation can have a negative impact on LGBTQ+ students’ sense of belonging and self-worth.

Nearly 75% of the students surveyed reported a lack of LGBTQ+ specific resources in their schools. These resources could include mental health support, physical health resources, or designated safe spaces for LGBTQ+ students. The absence of such resources can leave LGBTQ+ students feeling isolated and unsupported.

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The findings also highlighted the importance of parental support for LGBTQ+ students. Research has shown that the more accepting parents are of their LGBTQ+ children, the more positive outcomes those children are likely to have. However, some parents face pushback for supporting their LGBTQ+ children, which is both disheartening and counterproductive. Silver State Equality has shed light on the challenges faced by LGBTQ+ students in Nevada schools. Schools and policymakers must take action to address these issues and create a more inclusive and supportive environment for all students.

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